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Epithelioma papulosum (Carp pox)


Wax drop-like films, primarily on the fins, but may also be found on the whole body. Often observed in the autumn when temperatures drop. The cause is a herpes virus which can occur in carp, as well as in other cyprinids.

As with the human herpes virus, the disease is more frequent and severe if the body's defence mechanism is weak. A weakened body defence mechanism may be caused by poor quality of water, temperatures that are unsuitable for fish keeping and vitamin deficiency. If fish food is fed to the animals more than 3 months after the package is opened, it barely contains any more vitamins. In that case, giving the fish a strong vitamin preparation is urgently recommended.


The sick fish must be kept at their optimum temperature, and their immune system must be strengthened. Vitamin preparations should not be administered in the water, and instead should always be administered in the food. Animals that do not exhibit symptoms anymore are still carriers of the virus, though, so they can still pass on the disease. As regards their optimal temperature: fish that are not kept properly will not heal in spite of these measures.

Possible medication:

JBL Atvitol sera pond cyprinopur

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