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Pleistophora, neon tetra disease

Symptoms: Whitened areas deep into the fishes' flesh. Muscle degeneration leading to abnormal swimming movements (the fish swim as if drunk and in an uncontrolled fashion).

So named for the fish it was first recognized on, the Neon Tetra. It is caused by the sporozoa Plistophora hyphessobryconis. Even though it is named after Neon Tetras, it can appear on other fish. Whitish patches appear as if just below the skin. In Neon Tetras it destroys the bright blue-green neon stripe. The organisms form cysts which burst and release spores. The spores penetrate further and form more cysts. Eventually, the spores migrate to the water and are eaten by other fish in the food. These spores migrate into the digestive tract, then the muscles, and a new infection starts.

Neon tetra disease does not occur in the red neon fish (Paracheirodon axelrodi), but rather occurs in neon tetra fish (Paracheirodon innesi) and other characins.

Diseased fish must be removed immediately. The tank must be emptied completely. Afterwards, disinfect the tank. Use biocides safely. Always read the product labels and product information prior to use. There is no treatment for the disease.

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