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Ectoparasites refers to all parasites that infest fish from the outside. The symptoms may be similar (rubbing, film on the skin, etc.), even though the pathogens are completely different. If ectoparasites are suspected, further distinction is very helpful. However, this requires a good magnifying glass or even a microscope. With a magnification of only 100 – 200 times, most ectoparasites can be identified quickly, even with little experience.

Possible medication:

JBL Punktol Plus 125/ JBL Punktol Plus 250/ JBL Punktol Plus 1500 JBL MedoPond Plus JBL Aradol Plus 250 JBL ArguPond Plus sera baktopur sera costapur sera costapur sera med Professional Protazol sera med Professional Argulol sera pond omnipur sera pond omnisan sera pond cyprinopur sera omnipur Pond Koi and Goldfish Treatment Parasite Guard Tablets

Possible helper solutions:

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    Virtual assistant